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21 février 2008

Sean C. & LV expliquent leur collab' avec ghost

Sean C. & LV sont les 2 producteurs majeurs du dernier album de Ghost "Big Doe Rehab". Ils ont aussi produit 6 track de l'album de Jay-z "American Gangster".
Dans un ITW sur HipHopGame ils comparent leur travail sur les 2 albums et les différences entre les 2 artistes.

"Of course Ghostface and Jay-Z are two different albums. Ghost was on the road a lot. A lot of times we were working in the studio without him because he was travelling a lot, but we would stay on the phone with him and get ideas and send it to him on the road and he would say if he liked it or if he didn’t. He’s one of those guys where if he hears a track a certain way, he’s just kind of married to it. When you’re making changes it makes you nervous if he’s married to a different sound of it. But we worked on his last album too. In this case, we would make changes and we would send it to him and he would tell us it was hot and to leave it like that. So that was the difference between working with Jay and working with Ghost."

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